Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Photonics Workshop

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Photonics Workshop, 4. July 2022, 14:00 – 18:0 in Windisch-Brugg

Artificial intelligence (AI) methods hold great promise and value in complex production and assembly processes. In addition to visual and dimensional inspection, the focus is more and more on the integration of expertise in process control. Objectives are productivity gains through automation as well as quality and process improvements. AI thus not only helps to identify latent sources of error and inefficiencies, but can also contribute to the expansion and consolidation of strengths and competitive advantages with knowledge-intensive processes. But when is it worthwhile to exploit this «golden eggs»? What are the prerequisites for this and which experts can help?

Join us and learn on AI application challenges and improvement potentials in manufacturing processes of photonic components & devices.

Get insights into succesful applications, discuss potentials, challenges & ideas with experts. Learn ways to get started and find like-minded innovators for relationship building and innovation idea testing. We welcome your innovation ideas and expertise. Join us and learn, how to benefit beyond funding support.


Monday, 4 July 2022, 14:00 h – ca. 17:15 h, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Campus Bahnhofstrasse 6, CH-5210 Windisch, Room 6.0D13.

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